How to get rid of chapped lips

Nikki Chase



Time to read 10 min

Unlocking the Secrets to Smooth, Supple Lips & Get Rid of Chapped Lips

Whether it's the dry winter air or scorching summer sun, our lips can often bear the brunt of environmental factors, leaving them dry, cracked, and uncomfortable so, they become chapped lips. But fear not, for we are here to guide you through the journey to smooth, supple healthy lips.

Understanding Chapped Lips Causes

chapped lips

First, let's talk about what causes chapped lips in the first place. Chapped lips, or cheilitis, occur when our lips become dry and cracked. Several factors can contribute to this, including:

Weather Conditions: The Culprit Behind Dry, Chapped Lips

Extreme weather conditions, particularly cold temperatures and low humidity levels, can wreak havoc on the delicate skin of our lips. When the air is dry, moisture evaporates more quickly from the surface of our lips, leaving them vulnerable to dehydration.

Additionally, cold air can constrict blood vessels, further reducing blood flow to the lips and exacerbating dryness and eventually, cause Chapped lips.

Lip Licking: Breaking the Cycle of Chapped Lips

When your lips feel dry or irritated it's natural to want to lick them. Repeatedly doing so can actually make chapped lips worse. As saliva evaporates from your lips it removes any moisture that was there making your lips even drier.

Moreover the enzymes, in saliva can be harsh, on the skin of your lips causing inflammation and making chapped lips more severe.

Dehydration: The Hidden Culprit of Chapped Lips

Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial, to keeping your lips healthy and moisturized. If you don't drink water your body can get dehydrated, which can impact the moisture levels of your skin including your lips. Dehydration may result in chapped lips and other related symptoms.

Sun Exposure: Protecting Your Lips from UV Damage

Our lips like the rest of our skin can be harmed by the suns UV rays. If we don't protect them enough from prolonged sun exposure they can become dry chapped lips or even get sunburned. Continuous exposure, to the sun can also speed up aging. Raise the chances of developing skin cancer over time.

Medical Conditions That Can Cause Chapped Lips

While chapped lips are often dismissed as a minor inconvenience caused by dry weather or lack of hydration, they can sometimes be a side effect of underlying health issues.

1. Cheilitis

Starting with the basics, cheilitis is a condition where the lips become inflamed, leading to symptoms like chapped lips, cracking lips, and peeling lips. It's essential to recognize cheilitis as a potential cause because addressing the inflammation is crucial for effective treatment.

2. Dehydration and Malnutrition

Dry lips can sometimes signal deeper issues with hydration or nutrition. Dehydration, often overlooked, can manifest in various ways, including dry, parched lips. Similarly, malnutrition, whether due to vitamin deficiencies or restricted diets, can impact lip health. It's essential to stay hydrated and ensure a balanced diet to keep those lips moisturized and healthy.

3. Allergic Reactions

Have you ever experienced chapped lips seemingly out of nowhere? Allergic reactions to lip products or environmental factors could be the culprit. Ingredients in lip balms, lipsticks, or even toothpaste can trigger allergic responses, leading to chapped lips. Identifying and avoiding these allergens is key to preventing further irritation.

4. Yeast Infections

Oral thrush, a type of yeast infection in the mouth, may extend to the lips, causing chapped lips and discomfort. While less common than other causes, it's essential to consider yeast infections when addressing persistent chapped lips, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like white patches in the mouth.

Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders are complex conditions where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its tissues, leading to a range of symptoms and complications for chapped lips. Surprisingly, one often overlooked aspect of autoimmune disorders is their potential to cause chapped lips.

1. Sjögren's Syndrome

This autoimmune disorder primarily targets the glands responsible for producing saliva and tears. As a result, individuals with Sjögren's syndrome often experience dry eyes and dry mouth, which can extend to chapped lips. The lack of adequate saliva production can leave the lips parched and prone to cracking, peeling and became chapped  lips.

2. Lupus Erythematosus (LE)

Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin. In some cases, lupus may initially present with lip lesions, such as severely crusted cheilitis. These lesions can cause significant discomfort and contribute to chapped lips, making proper management of lupus essential for maintaining lip health.

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

While primarily known for its effects on the joints, rheumatoid arthritis can also indirectly impact lip health. Joint pain, swelling, and stiffness associated with RA can affect daily activities, including proper hydration and oral care. Dryness or irritation resulting from these symptoms can contribute to chapped lips in individuals with RA.

4. Lupus

Along with lupus erythematosus, lupus can manifest in various clinical presentations of lip lesions. These lesions may range from atrophic plaques to white/keratotic, purpuric, bullous, and verrucous lesions. Each of these presentations can contribute to chapped lips, adding to the challenges faced by individuals living with lupus.

So, how do we cure chapped lips fast and restore them to their supple softness? 

4 Tried-and-True Tips for Chapped Lips

If you’re wondering how to get rid of chapped lips, the answer lies in a combination of simple solutions for chapped lips that can have a significant impact on your lip health. Here are our top lip remedies for chapped lips:

1. Stay Hydrated: The Key to Hydrated, Healthy Lips

An adequate intake of water is essential in keeping the body hydrated including the lips. It is important in the regulation of body processes, delivery of nutrients to cells and flushing out of toxins among others.

In this regard, it is easier to keep your lips plumper more often, smooth and free of dryness, and chapped lips when well-hydrated. You should take a minimum of eight glasses of water every day and increase or reduce depending on activity level, location, and health among others. Note that you must keep the lips moist from inside.

2. Protect from the Elements: Shielding Your Lips from Environmental Stressors

Licking your chapped lips can make you feel better for a while, but it can often cause them to dry out even more and permanently dry up due to a harmful cycle. When we lick our lips, our saliva quickly evaporates, taking whatever regular dampness exists on the surface of our chapped lips.

This makes our lips even drier and more vulnerable to the environment. To rid yourself of the urge to lick your chapped lips, apply dry lip balm while your pace overcomes. Lip balm calms and prevents dehydration in your lips without causing your saliva to evaporate from your lips.

3. Avoid Licking: Breaking the Cycle of Lip Licking

Licking your lips can make you feel better for a while, but it can often cause them to dry out even more and permanently dry up due to a harmful cycle. When we lick our lips, our saliva quickly evaporates, taking whatever regular dampness exists on the surface of our lips.

This makes our lips even drier and more vulnerable to the environment. To rid yourself of the urge to lick your lips, apply dry lip balm while your pace overcomes. Lip balm calms and prevents dehydration in your lips without causing your saliva to evaporate from your lips.

4. Gentle Exfoliation: Revealing Smoother, Healthier Lips

For maintaining smooth lips it's important to exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells and encourage cell renewal. Using a lip scrub can help remove flaky skin and reveal smoother lips. Opt for a lip scrub containing exfoliants, like sugar or jojoba beads to polish away rough patches without causing any irritation. 

Incorporate the lip scrub into your skincare routine twice a week by massaging it onto moistened lips, in circular motions then rinse off with lukewarm water thoroughly. After exfoliating apply a moisturizing lip balm to seal in hydration and keep your lips feeling smooth and hydrated.

9 Effective Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

Having lips can be quite annoying. The bright side is that you can usually discover some relief using items you already have in your kitchen or bathroom. Below are an efficient natural remedies to assist in soothing and moisturizing your lips;

1. Honey

With its natural humectant properties, honey is a fantastic choice for locking in moisture. Simply apply a thin layer of honey to your lips, leave it on for a few minutes, then gently rinse off with warm water.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, packed with fatty acids works wonders as a moisturizer, for your lips. For results gently apply a dab of coconut oil several times a day and get rid of chapped lips.

3. Aloe Vera  

Aloe vera gel is famous, for its ability to reduce inflammation and keep your lips moisturized. Simply apply a coat of aloe vera gel or opt for a natural lip balm containing aloe vera to calm and nourish your lips.

4. Cucumber Slices

Thanks to its high water content, cucumber can help hydrate parched lips. Rub a thin slice of cucumber gently on your lips several times a day to enjoy its refreshing benefits.

5. Rose Petals

Use the oils from petals to hydrate and calm dry lips. Make a mixture by soaking rose petals, in milk or glycerin put it on your lips for 15 minutes and then wash off to achieve soft lips.

6. Sugar Scrub

Exfoliate away dead skin cells with a homemade sugar scrub. Mix sugar with a bit of honey or coconut oil to create a paste, then gently massage it onto your chapped lips before rinsing off with warm water.

7. Green Tea Bags  

Reuse your tea bags to soothe and hydrate dry lips. Once the tea bags have cooled down after brewing gently apply them to your lips for a couple of minutes to enjoy the antioxidant benefits and help alleviate any inflammation.

8. Shea Butter 

For intense moisture, turn to shea butter, a natural emollient that can work wonders on dry, chapped lips. Apply a small amount of unrefined shea butter before bedtime for overnight hydration.

9. Jojoba Oil 

Jojoba oil works like the oils your skin makes making it a great choice, for moisturizing lips. Just dab on a drops during the day to keep your lips feeling smooth and hydrated.

The Power of Lip Balms

If you’re still wondering how to heal chapped lips, here's why lip balms are a must-have in your lip care routine:

Moisture Lock: Preserving Hydration for Healthy Lips

Lip balms mainly work by forming a layer, on the lips sealing in moisture to keep them hydrated and prevent dryness. This layer plays a role, in retaining moisture in the lips in challenging weather conditions or when engaging in activities that can cause rapid evaporation of moisture like talking or breathing through the mouth.

Lip balms create a layer that shields the lips from factors ensuring they stay moisturized and feeling smooth and comfortable all day long. Additionally the sealing properties of lip balms aid in repairing and enhancing the skins moisture barrier fostering lip health and resistance to dryness and chapped lips.

Nourishment: Infusing Lips with Hydrating Ingredients

Many lip balms include nourishing components carefully selected for their moisturizing and softening qualities. Shea butter, cocoa butter and coconut oil are commonly used due, to their content of fatty acids and antioxidants that help restore moisture and soothe dry chapped lips.

Moreover vitamin E is often added to lip balms for its antioxidant properties that protect the skin from harm while nourishing it. Essential oils, like jojoba oil or almond oil are included to provide hydration and promote softness resulting in lips. By incorporating these moisturizing elements into their products lip balms offer care to the lips keeping them hydrated revitalized and refreshed.

Versatility: Tailoring Lip Care to Your Preferences

There are types of lip balms available to cater to various preferences and requirements. From options that enhance your lips to healing varieties that offer care for parched cracked lips there's a lip balm, for everyone.

Colored lip balms blend the benefits of lip care with a touch of color giving your lips a looking tint while keeping them hydrated and shielded. Medicated lip balms may include ingredients like menthol or camphor which create a feeling and help alleviate discomfort from chapped lips.

Whether you like the stick balm, a lip butter or an easy, to use pot balm there's a lip balm type to match your distinct needs and preferences.


In the quest for smooth, supple lips, from seasonal dryness to severe chapped lips, understanding the factors contributing to the problem and adopting a comprehensive lip care routine is essential. 

From environmental stressors and everyday habits to medical conditions and autoimmune diseases, several factors can affect the health and appearance of your lips. By addressing these factors and incorporating simple yet effective lip care tips into your daily routine, you can achieve and maintain healthy lips year-round.

Remember: Achieving healthy, smooth lips requires a combination of hydration, protection, and nourishment. Alongside home remedies, a gentle lip scrub and nourishing lip balm can help make dry lips supple and soft. So, here's to embracing a lip care routine that keeps your pout perfect, year-round!

Related Questions

1. How to prevent chapped lips during winter?

To fix chapped lips, exfoliate gently, avoid irritants in lip products, use healing ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter, stay hydrated, and avoid licking or picking at your lips.

2. How do you get rid of chapped skin on your lips?

To get rid of chapped skin on your lips, you can try natural remedies such as applying aloe vera gel, coconut oil, honey, cucumber, or green tea. These ingredients can soothe, moisturize, and prevent infections in dry and cracked lips. Additionally, avoiding irritants in lip products, staying hydrated, and refraining from licking or picking at your lips can help heal chapped skin on your lips.

Nikki Chase

Nikki Chase

As co-owner Era Organics, Nikki's expertise runs deep. She spends her days immersed in the latest medical studies and scouring trusted websites, ensuring her knowledge reflects the cutting edge of science.

About Nikki Chase